Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I know I said I would do better...

I need to turn this over to my mom so that you can get daily progress reports from her. And I think she is almost getting to the point that she would be able and would actually want to. We had a little set back this past weekend, they sent mom back to the hospital on Friday. Her hurt leg was still pretty swollen and they were worried about it so they did an ultra sound and found a clot that was in a vein that ran the length of her thigh. Thankfully they caught it and were able to get her to the hospital to have a filter put in. They have her on blood thinners and it's kind of a guessing game as to how long it will take and the right amount of medication before they will release her back to the rehab. Mom was pretty frustrated at first she was doing so well in her physical therapy it was hard to be stuck in bed again, but she does her reps and is trying not to lose the muscle. Another little bleep in the progress but definately one to be grateful for considering the alternative. Christmas is close and we are so grateful she will be here to spend it with us. Hope yours is happy as well!


The Mickelson Family said...

Sorry for the set-back but so grateful for good Dr.'s and therapists that question things that don't seem right. We were hoping you would have been back to rehab by now. That's tough. But hang in there. Remember "The Magic of Christmas Never Ends Cause The Greatest Gift is Family and Friends!" I'm so glad you're mine!!! I love you. Merry Christmas

Georgia said...

Would you like for me to put an update in the ward newsletter? Let me know by 12/28. Thank, Georgia

GGFrehner!! said...

We all love you, glad you are home!!!Keep up the good work!!

B said...

Marie Said it best... Family and Friends... Have a good Holiday and a butt kicking 2010 is coming fast so we all know Donna will be home soon... Love and prayers ~~