Monday, November 9, 2009

Mom never let us sleep in...

This morning at 5 they started trying to wake Mom up. She's taking her time waking up though. She has to be breathing with out the air tube before they will take it out, so it has not been removed yet but should be soon. There are not any surgeries scheduled right now. They are waiting to hear back from the hand specialist and they say the pelvis specialist has been on vacation and should be back today. So it looks like today will probably be a recoop day, which is good. Dad is looking a little better after actually getting some sleep in a real bed (thanks family for all the options of places to stay) Lacey held down the fort so Dad wouldn't worry. We still have a long way to go but there is some relief with one successful surgery down. Many thanks for all the comments and interest I know it will be as moving for our parents as it has been for us to see the show of love and concern when they are able to read them. We are so grateful!


Jodi said...

your family has done incredible things for our family we are eternally indebted! If there is anything we can do please let us know...please...

Amanda said...

Hey Brooke-
I'm sure you have lots of options but we are in Henderson if you need anything and if you need a place for your kids to play we have lots of kids and toys :) and would be happy to have them anytime!! I'm always around if you need anything please don't hesitate to call 533-1887. You family is in our thoughts and prayers!!

Sara said...

Brooke, I just heard about your mom. I am so sorry! We will be keeping her, and your family in our thoughts and prayers!