Thursday, November 12, 2009

We've been extubated!!!!........that's a good thing!!

Do you know how you just know certain things about your family? Well I know for a fact, absolutely no question in my mind my Mom does not like a tube down her throat! And they finally took it out. This is great news! They've had to wait a few extra days to take it out because the patient has to be coherent and pass a few breathing tests and the way my Mom's body has been reacting to the medication has prevented her from waking up enough to pass the tests. They will also be taking the neck brace off tonight which she doesn't like either. It seems like its taken forever but things are finally moving. Hopefully she will be talking tomorrow!


Teresa Woods said...

super fantastic. I've been checking the blog all day waiting for good news. Come on Donna, I want you to talk tomorrow.

Georgia said...

Yipppee!!! Things are moving in the right direction!!!

The Kings said...

Like Teresa I have checked the blog at least a 100 times today for updates. I am so thankful that things are moving along. Thanks for posting all your thoughts and feelings for all of us to be strengthened. My thoughts and prayers are with your mom and your family. Keep us posted!

Hallie said...

This is the greatest of news! Go Sister Reber!

watsit2u said...

YAY! It's amazing how awesome every tiny little step becomes! This is a great step!!!

The Mickelson Family said...

That "I love you" should be coming soon. I'm so excited for you!!!
Even baby steps get you to where you need & want to be. She will get there eventually. Love to you all. Marie

Liz said...

That is such good news!! Keep having faith!
Pace, Liz & Kairi Abbott

Unknown said...

Great news! Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Together you will make it through this. You have a wonderful family. Wish there was more that we could do. Love you guys,
Mike & Angela & kids

Jamie W said...


stephanie said...

that is awesome news! keep going strong :)
Steph Montoya

Anonymous said...

That's so good! Who would want a tube down their throat? That's gotta not be fun for sure.